Vendor Contacts

Benefits Administrators

We hope you will take the time to register with us. For additional questions, send an email to

Investment Providers

If you have reviewed our information and still have questions, please contact

Other Products and Services

We look forward to doing business with you. If you have additional questions, please contact

ERS’ Communication Notice - Vendors should be aware of the following:

A vendor who meets with, or contemplates meeting with, ERS should be conscientious that it may inadvertently violate state law and potentially disqualify its company from doing business with ERS. In order to ensure that your company does not inadvertently disqualify itself from current or future bid opportunities, please carefully review ERS' public bid announcements. Such announcements are available on the ERS website or on the Electronic State Business Daily.

State law prohibits prospective vendors from participating in the preparation of solicitation materials through which the vendor may be awarded a contract if the vendor received compensation from the agency to participate in preparing the bid specifications or request for proposal. Texas Government Code § 2155.004. State law prohibits ERS from contracting with vendors if there is a conflict of interest. ERS' contractual agreements, which vendors are required to sign, contain language relating to conflicts of interest. This may disqualify potential vendors. Please be aware that information submitted herein will be retained by ERS and may be subject to public disclosure pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, ch. 552, Texas Government Code, et seq.