Website Link Policy
ERS does not endorse any of the products, vendors, consultants, or documentation referenced in this Web site. Any mention of vendors, products, or services is for informational purposes only.
Links to ERS
Advance permission to link to ERS’s website(s) is not necessary. However, be aware that ERS sub-pages may change at any time without notice. Entities and individuals linking to ERS must continuously verify links to our sub-pages.
Entities and individuals linking to ERS shall not capture ERS pages within frames, present ERS content as its own, or otherwise misrepresent ERS content. Furthermore, they shall not misinform users about the origin or ownership of ERS content. Certain information on ERS may be trademarked, service-marked, or otherwise protected as intellectual property. Protected intellectual property must be used in accordance with state and federal laws and must reflect the proper ownership of the intellectual property.
Email link requests to, indicating “Link Request” in the subject line.
Links from ERS
ERS does not control the authenticity, accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of outside information on any links. ERS is not responsible for the privacy policies, or lack of policies, in place at any site linked to or from sites to which ERS is linked and not within the ERS domain. ERS has not acted in a discriminatory manner in choosing links to helpful sites. In addition, information is collected by ERS for analysis and statistical purposes.
ERS reserves the right to link to external websites that it feels would provide a service or otherwise be of value to constituents.
Acceptance Criteria
ERS links to federal, state, and local governments that provide information and services that benefit Texas citizens, Texas local government, and Texas state agencies. At its discretion, ERS will consider link requests to non-governmental websites that contain information and/or services that further the purpose of ERS, including sites of ERS contracted vendors.
ERS reserves the right to deny links if it determines that a website contains misleading or unsubstantiated claims, or conflicts with the purpose of ERS.
Removal Process
ERS reserves the right to remove links if it determines that a website contains misleading or unsubstantiated claims, or conflicts with the purpose of ERS. Links from ERS will be reviewed regularly and may be removed if so determined by ERS.