How to Apply for Retirement

There are three steps to retirement. ERS members with retirement accounts can create a personalized retirement estimate (Step 1) at any time, even if they’re not planning to retire soon.

Create up to five retirement estimates to include:

Please note: 

  • Retirement estimates are available only to members with an ERS retirement account; they are not available to retirees. 
  • The online estimator does not include information from a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO), service from systems participating in the Proportionate Retirement Program (PRP) or withdrawn service that you haven’t purchased. Contact ERS to estimate your retirement eligibility date and annuity payment if you have a QDRO and/or PRP service, and/or if you withdrew service and have not bought it back yet. For more information on PRP, withdrawn service credit, visit the service credit page.

You must speak with an ERS retirement counselor to prepare your retirement packet. Before you call or meet with a counselor, make sure you know:

  • ERS' retirement payment options,
  • the Partial Lump Sum Option and whether you're eligible,
  • each beneficiary you plan to name and have each one’s name, date of birth, relationship to you and full Social Security number,
  • the routing and account numbers of the account you want your annuity deposited to each month,
  • tax withholding you plan to choose and
  • Medicare information, if applicable.

You can schedule a phone, online/virtual or in-person appointment with a retirement counselor, or you can call during ERS business hours.  After you talk to the counselor and make your selections, ERS will email your retirement packet if we have your email address on file. You must print your emailed retirement packet to sign the necessary documents and send them back to ERS. If we don’t have your email address on file, we will mail the packet to your home.

  • Sign your Retirement Acceptance form in front of a notary public. You must include the original notarized document in the materials you mail to ERS. We do not accept photocopies of this form. 
    • If you are married and choose someone other than your spouse as a beneficiary for a survivor payment under option 1, 2 or 5, your spouse also must sign the Retirement Acceptance form in front of a notary public. 
  • Include a copy of one of the following proof-of-age documents for yourself and, if you choose survivor payment option 1, 2 or 5, your beneficiary. ERS will not return the document(s) to you, so you shouldn’t send originals.
    • Valid REAL-ID compliant state-issued driver’s license or ID (with the seal in the upper right corner) or
    • Government-issued birth certificate or
    • Passport or
    • Naturalization certificate or 
    • U.S. Lawful Permanent Residency Record 
  • If you are transferring Teacher Retirement System (TRS) service credit to ERS, complete the TRS Service Credit Transfer Request form.
  • Complete the beneficiary designation form for the $5,000 Retiree Lump-sum Death Benefit. This benefit is separate from the Basic Term Life Insurance that all employees and retirees with ERS health insurance are automatically enrolled in. 
  • Mail all documents to ERS: P.O. Box 13207,  Austin, TX 78711-3207.

We must receive your fully completed and signed retirement forms and proof-of-age document(s) before your retirement date. If we receive them post-marked after your retirement date, your retirement will not be effective, and you may not get your first annuity payment when you expect it.  
