HealthSelect Medicare Rx Prescription Drug Plan

HealthSelect Medicare Rx, administered by Express Scripts Medicare® (PDP), is a comprehensive prescription drug plan (PDP) and is included in coverage when enrolled in one of these plans:

  • HealthSelectSM Medicare Advantage preferred provider organization (MAPPO)
  • HealthSelectSM Secondary

Plan Benefits

  • You can take your prescription to the pharmacy of your choice, or save money when you choose one of the thousands of local and national pharmacies in the plan’s network. A network pharmacy will submit a claim for you.
  • The plan has a $50 annual deductible, per participant. The deductible is based on the calendar year and resets every January 1. (Formulary insulin purchased from in-network pharmacies is exempt from the deductible.)
  • After you meet the deductible for the year, you pay a copay for prescriptions purchased at a network pharmacy (including Express Scripts® Pharmacy, the plan’s mail service pharmacy). This copay is based on the type of medication and the quantity you order.
  • You can choose to purchase short-term medications at a local retail pharmacy and purchase long-term medications by mail or at an Extended Day Supply retail pharmacy or Express Scripts Pharmacy.
  • When you register for a secure online account with Express Scripts, you can take advantage of convenient online services, view your prescriptions, get health tips and much more. Sign up using the information from your HealthSelect Medicare Rx ID card.

Eligibility and Enrollment

Medicare-enrolled retirees and their Medicare-eligible dependents are automatically enrolled in this plan when they enroll in one of the medical plans listed above.
