Groups 1 - 3 Retirement Estimate

You need to enter the last day that you will be on payroll for the State. This date determines the amount of service credit used in this estimate. If you plan to work until your retirement date, enter your retirement date as your last day of state employment.

The online estimator will use your last reported monthly salary projected to your retirement date, assuming you keep working for the state.

If you would like to view the Retiree and Survivor's lifetime options, a beneficiary with a date of birth is needed to calculate your annuity payment as a retiree and the monthly payment to your beneficiary after your death.

 No. It is used only for this estimate.

Most agencies report leave balances electronically to us. If your service credit does not include sick and annual leave, your agency will need to provide it to us at retirement.

This is your service credit that is used to calculate your monthly retirement payment.

This is your service credit that may be used to determine your retirement date. This is not used in determining your monthly retirement payment.

This is unestablished service credit (refunded, military service, waiting period, other Texas retirement system service, etc.) used in your retirement estimate. Only ERS can include unestablished service credit in a retirement estimate.

This is your estimated service credit, assuming you continue working until your last day of state employment. This service credit is used in determining your retirement date and your monthly retirement payment.

If eligible, yes. However, choosing the PLSO permanently reduces the amount of your monthly annuity payment.

Yes. We provide you with estimates for 12, 24, and 36 months as a guide to make your decision.

The option percent is the percent of the standard annuity you will receive if you choose an option other than the standard annuity.

The age percent displayed is the percent of your monthly retirement payment you will receive. If your age percent is less than 100%, you have not met the age requirement to receive the full monthly retirement payment.

Your saved estimate is available for six months. After six months, it will be permanently deleted.

If your service with another Texas retirement system is not in your service credit, it means the service credit has not been certified yet.

You can only transfer TRS service credit at retirement.