April 2021 Board Meeting
April 14, 2021
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
ERS will conduct this meeting virtually; there is no in-person meeting.
- View the livestream
- Board materials
All or part of the April 14, 2021 meeting of the ERS Board of Trustees may be held by video conference call as authorized under Section 551.127 of the Texas Government Code. THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED BY VIDEOCONFERENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GOVERNOR’S AUTHORIZATION CONCERNING SUSPENSION OF CERTAIN OPEN MEETING LAW REQUIREMENTS IN RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) DISASTER. A quorum of members of the Board will participate in the meeting remotely and will be visible and/or audible to the public. Members of the public may access the meeting by clicking https://ers.texas.gov/about-ers/ers-board-of-trustees/2021-april-board-meeting
Members of the public may provide written and/or public comment on agenda items presented to the Board by registering first with ERS by submitting an email to Kelley.davenport@ers.texas.gov identifying the name of the speaker and agenda item no later than 8:00 a.m. on April 14, 2021. Further instructions will be provided to those that request to make a public comment no later than April 14, 2021.
Meeting of the ERS Board of Trustees, Board of Trustees minutes
- Call Meeting of the ERS Board of Trustees to Order, materials 1, video 1
- In accordance with Section 815.3016,Texas Government Code, the ERS Board of Trustees will meet to discuss and consider taking appropriate action on an alternative investment or a potential alternative investment in a special situations Fund.
- Review, Discuss and Approve Revised Calendar for Board of Trustees Election – (Action)
- Adjournment of the ERS Board of Trustees meeting
- Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need special assistance are requested to contact Kelley Davenport at (512) 867-7772 three to five (3-5) working days prior to the meeting date so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
- The Employees Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees intend to attend the April 14, 2021 ERS Board of Trustees Meeting via videoconference call in accordance with Section 552.127 of the Texas Government Code and with the Governor’s authorization concerning suspension of certain Open Meeting law requirements in response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) disaster. The Employees Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees will convene on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. to approximately 5:20 p.m. to take up the posted agenda items. Agenda items are tentatively scheduled to follow each other consecutively, but they may start earlier or later than the posted time depending on the length of the discussions within each agenda item and other circumstances not presently anticipated.Please note that the estimated times and sequence of agenda items are only approximate, and the time reflected in the posted agenda items may be moved or adjusted as necessary.